Friday, November 24, 2006

Sick Of You

Fuck you, school! I'm so fucking sick of sitting here trying to transcribe a conversation for a goddman research project! I'm sick of having to sit through boring lectures and try to stay awake! I'm sick of trying to study for tests! Gah! I'm going nuts here! *shoots self in face*


Anonymous said...

me too...

buchanan said...

Clearly the solution is more masturbation, clearly.

Alex said...


You are right. Just like me.

startsky said...

holy randos batman!
and as long as we are masterbating/shooting ourselves in the face.. may I join?

Anonymous said...

jae ford is a sexy beast and the only person i want to see masturbate.

Jordan Diederichs said...


Anonymous said...

*looks at ground*

Weellll this is awkward

nodontshoot said...

Awkward and AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Please delete my comments.
