Friday, November 03, 2006


I stole this for Caitlin's blog because it looked neat.

1. First name? Kayla
2. Were you named after someone? Nope. I do, howvever, have a great aunt named Kay
3. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes, not usually though
.4. When did you last cry? I don't remember
5. Do you like your handwriting? No. It looks like I should be writing in red crayon on yellow construction paper
6. What is your favorite lunch meal? A&W
7. When is your birthday? March 20.
8. What is your most embarassing CD? All the old KoRn and Limp Bizkit cds.
9.If you were another person would you be friends with you? I don't know. I'm ok, albeit a little self-centred.
10.Do you have a journal? Yuppers
11. Are you adventurous?Depends on what it is.
12. Would you bungee jump? I don't think so. My crippling fear of both heights and drowning would probably prevent me from doing it.
13. What is your favorite cereal? Almond and Vanilla Special K
14.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Not usually.
15. Do you think that you are strong? I'm fairly weak, so no. Although I WILL kick your ass, Jae!
16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla
17. Shoe Size? I have shoes in all sizes between 2 and 6.
18. Red or pink? Both
19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My scary, carney hands with the crooked pinkies.
20. Who do you miss the most? I don't really miss anyone right now.
21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Skinny jeans and colourful checkered slip-on shoes
23. What are you listening to right now? Problem by Brazillian Girls
24. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Black... LIke my soul. harharhar
26. Who was the last person U talked to? Caitlin and Alex
27. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Face in general.
29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes, I looove Caitlin!
30. Favorite Drink? Vodka, cranberry, adn sprite.
31. Favorite Sport? Is dancing a sport?
32. Hair Color? Right now it's kinda dark blonde, but it shall soon be dark dark brown.
33. Favorite Food? Balogna.
34. Last Movie You Watched? The Prestige.
35. Favorite Day of the Year? Iunno, all fo them?
36. Happy Endings? Mostly
37.Summer or Winter? Summer
38. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs from most, kisses from some.
39. Favorite Dessert? Pie
42. What books are you reading?? A bunch of books for classes, and Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy for pleasure.
43. What is On Your Mouse Pad??At home, a picture of Damjan when he was like, 8.
44. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? The news
45. Favorite Smells? My bed.
46. Favorite Sounds? Music
47. Stones or Beatles? Can't choose. They both rock.
48.The furthest you've been from home? Hawaii



Lillix - Sweet Temptation (shaddap! I love this song!)
Corky and the Juice Pigs - I'm The Only Gay Eskimo


Jordan Diederichs said...

Corky and the Juice Pigs?

That's fucked up.

Anonymous said...

i understand limp bizkit, but don't be embarrassed by those old korn cds, those were an essential part of my childhood

Anonymous said...

You love me? Oh wow, ummm.. I.. will.. uh, call you... sometime.. *runs away*
jj! iluvutoo! (tottally had food in my mouth!)

Anonymous said...

wtf, who is anonymous?

Alex said...

<32. Hair Color? Right now it's kinda dark blonde, but it shall soon be dark dark brown.>

When? It would look "bitchin'"

Jordan Diederichs said...

Kayla if you don't update this blog, like now, I swear to god...

You don't even want to know what I'll do...

buchanan said...

Dear Kayla,

I will destroy you, and you will bleed... lots.

Much love and animosity,
