Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hot Damn!

I was looking through a bunch of shit that I had written and I stumbled upon this gem. I'm so fucked up. Enjoy!


Tear the piece of paper into two pieces
Representative of pain, the page splits forcefully and flutters
To the cold, hard ground

I sometimes wonder if boys in dresses on the last day of school are OK
The razor smiles your smile and the gun whispers your name.

Naked trees stand alone in the shadows of enormous watchtowers,
Safe, Dark, Secure.
I am afraid
It is because of all the uncertainty of today.

All hail the gushy assassin.

Dead leaves cover the large stone so I clear them off with a deft sweep of my hand.
I sit.
I stare at my reflection in the glittering pool.
My face stares back at me and I barely recognize myself.

It is just a cold hand leading us back to winter

Along the edge of the glittering mirror lie bones
A stark contrast to the shining glass
I guess all endings can’t be happy ones.

I get up from the stone
And dust off my skirt, smoothing the wrinkles and removing leaves I failed to sweep off

Then, without another thought or any hesitation
I begin picking my way carefully back through the nothing from which I came
Secure in the knowledge I had gathered about myself



Jordan Diederichs said...

That was pretty awesome, also slightly depressing.

nodontshoot said...

I do what I can.

Anonymous said...

Kayla Kayla Kayla.... why ever are you wasting your time on gender studies when it is clear you were destined for greater things. Don't forget, YOUR face is a cult!