Sunday, March 11, 2007

So If You're Crazy...

In case any ofyou haven't noticed, I've been unpredicably moody lately, swinging from being regular, happy Kayla to sullen, angry Kayla in a matter of minutes.

I figured I should probably come clean as to the reason.

As most of you know, my birthday is coming up. On March 20. Also, as most of you know, I hate birthdays. Especially this one. I know you're just thinking, "Oh Kayla, get over it", but I can't. I wish I could. I don't want to get old. I've cried myself to sleep almost ever night for about 3 weeks. And today, my mom mentioned going birthday shopping to me and I bawled for an hour.

In other words, I have been in god-awful moods because I am turning twenty. I'm surprised I'm not sobbing as I write this. I'm an emotional wreck because I am absolutely scared shitless of my birthday. I can't even put into words the dread I feel. I know it sounds silly, but it IS me, after all.

Bear with me. Hopefully I'll be better soon. Now you all know what's been going on with me. Thank you for you patience.



Jordan Diederichs said...

It's just a number Kayla, if you were turning 60 no one would feel any differently about you.

Sorry if any of our jokes contributed to your feeling like crap.

Feel Better,


jamie* said...

Don't worry Kayla.
I'm totally on the same boat as you.
I'm absolutely terrified of turning 20.
I declare you get infected with

buchanan said...


I could tell you that twenty is no biggie... try to comfort you with lies... but I won't... you deserve to know the bitter truth:

Twenty is horrible... slightly less so than 21.. Twenty was horrible to me.. as you know.

My only advice is to go to the playground, play, then leave and never go back.. until you have kids. Or, kill yourself... now.

That is all,


Anonymous said...

I'm obviously going to have to step it up when it comes to optimism coaching. I am failing you at this. I will work harder to show you that we can celebrate you and the day of your brith. IT shall be a joyous occasion, so wonderful i hope we don't even remember it. I love you.