Monday, January 15, 2007

All you sucka MCs ain't got nothin' on me!

Ok. New post time. Nothing new is really happening. I am, however, very excited to go to the Saskatchewan Youth Summit with Jae and Nathan as well as volunteer at Telemiracle with Jae and Nate. It should be a fantastic time.

As many of you know, my birthday is coming up. March 20, to be exact. This greatly depresses me. I will be turning 20, which is far too old. On the day of my birth, I shall get obnoxiously drunk and cry the entire night. You have all been warned.

Anywho, I'm doneskis. I'm sorry, Jordan. I know it is the shortest thing ever. Please continue to love me as you always have.


1 comment:

Jordan Diederichs said...

No worries, I still love you.