Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Modern Things

One final down, two to go! Well, I ahve one in approx. 2.5 hours, so that one is *pretty much* done. I'm very excited for being done school. I've been so very stressed and snappy and moody lately. I miss stupid, asshole Tyson way too much. It sucks. Oh wells. I'll see him on the 17th. Such is life.

After everyone is done finals we should all go out and do something awesome. Like drunk bowling. Drunk bowling rules. Anywho, back to studying! Tah



startsky said...

ahhhh yes.. missing people.. and never being missed..
welcome to my life.
i'm jealous because you HAVE someone.

nodontshoot said...

I have someone MOST of the time. Tyson is kind if a douche bag, haha. I still like him, though.

Jordan Diederichs said...

drunk bowling is fun.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, can we be jealous together? Lets go out for coffee and complain about people who are in "like". Even if he is a douche bag, as Kayla likes to put it, it's still better than a stuffed blue elephant...