Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Begin Again

So, finals are almost upon me. 8, 9, 12. Watch out, liver! On the 12 the punishment shall begin. I miss drinking. I know I'm coming off like an alcoholic, but I'm really not... I promise. I'm really stoked for xmas break. I want to just cuddle up to a certain someone and doze in front of a fire... holy romantic and sappy. Whatever. I'm allowed to be romantic and sappy sometimes. However, if my romantic and sappy quota start getting too high, someone needs to bring me back with a well place insult, or something.

Well, that was a fantastic ramble. Goodnight.



startsky said...

I'll cuddle with you in front of a fire and doze.
But only you.
No one else.

Jordan Diederichs said...

I'll take care of the well placed insult.

I got it covered. haha

nodontshoot said...

Awww thanks, guys! You're the best <3