Monday, October 30, 2006

Harlequin Girls

So, there has been some fantastic drama this weekend, the kind that us in the Lush Squad live for. Now, I'm not going to name names, but I think most of you guys will get it and if you don't ask me later.

The drama pertains to a certain party to which a certain person was not invited and to which another person got bitched at about. I think that's retarded. It isn't anyone's place but the person hosting the party to invite people. Going and being all attention-whorey about it is lame, too. Some people need to stop being so bitchy and take things so personally. Geeze!

On a happier note, I'm almost done the essay that is due today. Go me!

Well, that's all I have to say.


PS: Download

Baumer - Denounement
Hellogoodbye - Jesse...Buy Nothing...Go To Prom Anyway
Comeback Kid - All in a Year


Kate said...

Kayla, I have to agree completely on that. I don't mean to dredge up old/bad memories, but remember last year when I had people over? I think you recall. No mean things were intended by the incident, but I think you understand where I'm coming from now. Love ya lots!

startsky said...

i wasn't there for this.. but i sure as hell know what went on..
oh kyle's party..
how i'm glad i did not come.. lol

Jordan Diederichs said...

Yeah, some people deffinately need to take a fucking pill and not cause my friends to be so upset.

Anonymous said...

hmmm whoever could you mean? Lol, thanks! good to know you got my back (watch out all, she WILL kill you!)