Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Politics are nuts. Since when is it ok to completely sell out your party and go to the opposition? Yupp, I'm talking about David Emerson and Belinda Stronach.

Emerson's defection was particularily insidious. He ran in Vancouver-Kingsway under the Liberal banner, then, as soon as he was elected, he joined Satan... I mean the Tories. Jack Layton (who is the coolest politician EVER), called Emerson on this betrayel, saying that Emerson KNEW the only way he would get elected was as Liberal. The NDP candidate was right on his ass in votes, and the Tory straggled way behind them both. Emerson clearly abused the system to better himself and the Fascist party he now affiliates himself with.

Belinda Stronach's defection was slightly less underhanded. She pretty much just realilzed that the Liberal set of beliefs, while still wrong, (haha go NDP!), where better suited for her own set of beliefs.

As a conclusion, I shall set up a list of the main points of this post:

- Conservatives are the Devil.
- Liberals, although not the Devil, still suck.
- The NDP represent all that is good and just.
- Emerson is a huge tool.
-Stronach had her reasons, which I can't fault.
- I am, in fact, the greatest person ever. Even better than Alex.

That is all for now.


Kate said...

great post k-la.

nodontshoot said...

Actually, when I'm around 40 I plan on becoming the MLA of Saskatchewan for the NDP. Vote for me!

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny how most people feel they have to have that title and that they have to be exclusive to one goddamn thing for people to follow them. Politics are exactly what they are...politics. In anything you will have them. I don't get caught up with them at work because they're quite insignificant. Partisanship has killed democracy.

nodontshoot said...

Quiet, you! I love my NDP.