Thursday, September 14, 2006


Yes. The time has finally come for me to post a new blog. I know that all of you have been wondering when this would occur. Well, now it shall.

So, this summer has been one of change. When Damjan left for Serbia I was quite upset. To my surprise, it was the friends I had ditched for two years who rallied around me. This really made me do some serious thinking. I have the most amazing friends ever. How could I have ever doubted this? You guys have always been there for me, even if I wasn't there for you. I was so caught up in being in love that I completely neglected myclosest friends. So, summer continued on and I realized, in between working, dancing, partying, and making some seriously awesome new friends, that I really didn't have the kind of time to commit to a serious relationship. Damjan and I broke up, not because of anything he or I did, but because of our circumstances. Of course I was sad, but my friends were there to support me. Alex even came over to watch The Jungle Book with me. The fucking Jungle Book, for Christ's sake! I honestly could not ask for a better group of people to be with.

So, to all you guys who will read this, I honestly do appreciate you, and thank you so much for sticking by me. You all rawk my sawks.

Much love,

Kayla Jean.


Jordan Diederichs said...

Clearly, you Rawk all of our socks to Kayla, haha.

Peace Out,

Kate said...

haha oh Kayla. finally an update... hahaha

startsky said...

consider ur sawks... rawked.