Friday, June 02, 2006

Stolen! Again!

Choose a band/artist: Led Zeppelin (Best. Band. Ever.)

Answer the following questions ONLY using titles of their songs.

1. Are you male or female: Livin', Lovin' Maid (She's Just a Woman)
2. Describe yourself: Rock and Roll
3. How do you feel about yourself: Whole Lotta Love
4. How do some people feel about you: What Is and What Should Never Be
5. Describe your ex gf/bf: Heartbreaker
6. Describe current gf/bf: I Can't Quit You, Baby
7. Describe where you want to be: Going to California
8. Describe how you live: Ramble On
9. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Dancin' Days
10. Share a few words of Wisdom: The Song Remains the Same
11. Now say goodbye: Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You

Hahaha cool. That one ruled.


Alex said...

I am not a Zeppelin fan but apparently you are. Jimmy Page is at least not a total waste of skin.

nodontshoot said...

None of them are wastes of skin!

I like how you LOVE the Stones and I only kinda like them and I LOVE Zeppelin and you only kinda like them, but we still respect eachother. We rule, Alex.

buchanan said...

I haven't seen you around lately. I was afraid you e-dumped me so I stopped by to check.



Jordan Diederichs said...

Way to give me the shaft Kayla... why don't I rule to?

I only kind of like the stones AND zeppelin.

But I love all of my music that no one listens to.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kayla, I found your profile at and am madly in love with you! Actually, no. This is actually your long lost dancer buddy. But really email me sometime, cuz I no have ur address! I do sometimes get bored living out in the ALbertan wilderness, you know. But yah, my email's I eagerly wait your email as an anticipatory sweat breaks across my brow, gleaming tentatively in the morning sun. A western wood peewee flickers by and the caw of a crow echoes off in the distance, backdropped by a tranquil cadence of boreal toads harmoniously chanting from their fenland homes. I'd go on, but you'd get angry. hehe. see you!