Friday, April 14, 2006

Oh the drama!

So, one final down, 4 to go. Rock on! I can't wait until I'm done!

Anywho, onto the topic at hand; drama. Seriously people, who the fuck cares what Alex writes in his blog? It is his blog! He write whatever he damn well pleases on it. If you have a problem, I have a solution: DON'T READ IT! There you have it folks, a good, solid solution.

To continue this rant, I shall give MY opinions on country music. Get ready for an earful, people, because I think you are all ridiculous. Lovable, but ridculous.

Firstly, I hate country music because all the fucking songs sound the same. Same stupid violun, same stupid guitar riff, same stupid lyrics, and same stupid twangy voice. Honestly, how many songs can you write about being sad and getting tanked? I mean, really!

Secondly, I hate that country music fans think that because they listen to this terrible drek of a musical genre, that they are allowed to wear cowboy hats and other various cowboy parephenalia. Do you live on a farm? Do you rope calves? Do you ride horses? Do you drive tractors? I'll be will to bet that most city people said NO to these questions! Well, guess what? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO WEAR FUCKING COWBOY CLOTHES!

Ok, I'm done now. Peace out, A-town.


Alex said...

Peace out A-Town is right. You tell them! Good call on the hating country too!

Peace out A-Town!

Jordan Diederichs said...

I live on a farm, I drive tractors and ride horses, and I have roped calves, and still I hate country music...

buchanan said...

Is it ok to wear an official Indiana Jones cowboy hat?

nodontshoot said...

Yes it is, but only for you.