Friday, April 07, 2006

Holy Damn...

It has been a looong time since I've last posted. School is all done. It feels weird, because last year I still had 2 more months left at this time. Oh well, I can't really complain.

Michelle and I are going to Hawaii to visit Emily from April 30 - May 6. It shall be grand! Getting away from S Dot will definately rawk. I neeeed a break very badly. I'm ever so stressed out. It's cool though, because I just have to get through finals and then I get to spend time with my two best friends!

So I was reading one of my friend's blogs, and she was feeling really confused about her feelings in regards to her boyfriend of almost a year. This really made me appreciate how great I have it. Damjan is absolutely the greatest boyfriend any girl could ask for. I love him with everything I had, and I never doubt this. He never does anything stupid to make me upset, and if he accidently does then we talk it out and resolve it right away. Baby, if you're reading this, I love you!

Aaaanywho, I have to go get back to studying.

Peace out, A-town.


1 comment:

EllyzR said...

Ewwww net-PDA! :p
Hi from euro-land! Glad things are well back there! have fun in hawaii. pft.. i wanna go to hawaii instead i'm in Austria pfftt :p
