Friday, January 20, 2006

Life, The Universe, and Everything.

Yes I am aware that that is a name of a book in The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy series, but I figured I would steal it. I'm definately at school right now, but I'm on a break, not skipping (although I was soooo tempted to do so this morning). So I closed my store last night and I come home and go to bed. Then, at about midnight, I start panicing that I forgot to lock the back door. So, I make my dad drive me to the store and check. It turns out that I did, indeed, lock the door and my worrying was all for naught. God I'm a dork. I don't know why I work myself up over nothing sometimes. Oh wells, all turned out well. Thank god for the weekend. Tonight I shall go to Damjan's house for a big family saint day party deal and it will be fun.

Voting is still excting for me. God, I can't wait to put my little X ini the space beside the NDP. Wheeeee! Well, I must leave as I have probably rambled on enough, so farewell!

1 comment:

Lance said...

you were joking about the whole NDP thing, right?