Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Today I had a bad surprise. One of my very best friends told me that we shouldn't hang out alone. I mean, I understand that he has a girlfriend, but I have a boyfriend, too! I don't want to jump his bones! I'm really hurt that he would think something like that, especially since we've been friends for so long. I guess some people change, but I never thought that he would not want to hang out with me. Oh well, I guess there is nothing that I can do about that except wait and hope he decides to hang out with me again. Blah. People totally suck.


People are pretty fun when they're all getting along. However, it kills me when they aren't. I love my friends but I hate acting like an ambassador between then. I can understand that some people just don't like others, but as I said, I don't like being the middle-person. Yupp.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Only Wishful Thinking...

I know it's only been 5 days, but I miss Damjan already. Yupp, I said it. I miss him. To make things worse, I'm sitting here in my skivvies in a big empty house. I know what you're thinking, "Why the hell don;t you put some clothes on, Kayla?" or "You should be happy your family is gone." Well I don't wanna put clothes on and I miss my family. And Damjan. The whole family-being-gone thing just makes the Damjan-being-gone thing even worse. I know he is having mad fun, but I still wish he was back here, with me. Emo, I know. I'm just being a big weenie, but I'm listening to sappy music. Shut up.